Spotlight on Computer Basics Classes
The public library system in Charlotte-Mechlenburg County offers a range of computer classes. Classes are offered for different age and skill levels, but most focus on adult continuing education.
Here at Freedom Regional Public Library, there is at least one weekly computer class- focusing on beginners and basic skills. These classes can be used to help find new jobs, or build skills at the job you currently have.
This week, a class will be offered in the basics of PowerPoint.
PowerPoint is a software made by Microsoft and is a part of the Microsoft Office Suite. PowerPoint is a slide show presentation creator. Slide shows help to illustrate your points, and make for a more powerful presentation.
This class will show you how to create, edit and save a basic presentation.
Other computing basics classes offered by this library include; Internet Basics, Computer Basics, Word Basics and Excel Basics.
Other libraries in the system offer classes too, some with different focuses. You can see what classes are available at or by stopping in the library and picking up the latest Free issue of Check It Out.
In addition to all those great classes, new ones are being worked on. I hope to offering soon a class in RSS feeds. The class will demonstrate how to subscribe to web content, and the value it has.
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