Zombie author to visit Freedom
Author Carrie Ryan will be visiting our humble branch on Tuesday, October 20th.
I am super excited, and I'll tell you why- her star reviewed book, The Forest of Hands and Teeth is about Zombies. Now, it's no secret that I love zombie books, but the fact that the author is coming here instantly catapults this book to my highest favors.
Carrie Ryan will be doing two talks on the 20th, one at 10:30 and one at 12:45. Both are for teens- but if you look young, I'm sure won't turn you away.
In this book, Mary (the main character) lives in a world of zombies and humans. The humans live in a protected village, surrounded by a fence and guarded by The Sisters. The zombies are the Unconsecrated. The kill and eat without mercy or reason. Mary's world comes crashing down after the fence is breached and her family is attacked by the Unconsecrated. What will happen for Mary? This book is as much suspense as it is thriller.
This book is not for the faint of heart- some depictions of death can be graphic. Suggested reading level is grades 9+.
Go ahead and reserve your library copy today. The line is growing fast.
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