Monday, March 30, 2009

Looking Ahead with Freedom 3/30 - 4/4

"Rise and Shine Story Time" starts at 10 am
- This is a regular weekly program that reads books to small children.

"Unplugged" 2:30 - 4 pm
- Everybody's favorite gaming hour. Think you can win at Jenga? Can get down to Uno? Give it a shot at Unplugged.

"Preschool Storytime" 10 am
- Little books for very little listeners.

"Script Frenzy" 3- 4 pm
- The Script Frenzy Challenge: 30 Days & 100 Pages! Join us all month long as we teach you the basics of scriptwriting, hold discussions for you to brainstorm your ideas, lead you to the right resources and offer you a place to write your very first script! Be there April 1st to register online as an official participant!

"Freedom Film Series"
-April is Mel Brooks month. This Wednesday, join us for the classic Dracula, Dead and Loving It. Every Wednesday in April, we will show another great film by the hilarious Mel Brooks. Films that are rated R will require parental permission from anyone under 17.

"Book Club" 12- 2 pm

"Word Basics" 2:30- 4pm
- Need to learn about the ubiquitous word processor? Maybe you just want a refresher? Join us for Word Basics. This free and open class is intended for new comers. Those who already use Word on a daily basis may want to skip this session. For a full listing of technology classes and skill levels, grab an issue of Check It Out (our free library magazine).

"Movie!" 3-5 pm

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Special Thursday Message from the Freedom Sith Lord

The Freedom Regional Library has a mascot. Its true- I did not just make that up. And that mascot is the Invisible Woman.

Your blogging Sith Lord made a stop over at Imaginon yesterday. There, he used the power of the Dark Side to terrorize the Boys Reading shelf.

This magic book shelf is the center of Boy in the library system. Who knows how many other stars in the system will fall now to the Dark Sith Master.

(More Proof!)

There you go Imaginon. I Dark Sided you. Your Jedi Powers are weakened. What will you do?

Read more about the Boys Reading program and Imaginon on their blog;


[Final thought, the Sith Lord is being beaconed to a library conference tomorrow. Please allow this special Thursday post to fill the void left in your hearts by what would otherwise be Friday's blog.]

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Its a frenzy! A frenzy of Scripts!

You can't see it- but there are scripts in that whorl. Trust me, they're there.

April is the month of Script Writing - so says the Young Writers Program. (Yeah, they're the novel writing month people too.) Check out the site:

Our library, with the awesome help of Ms. Holly (teen librarian) is going to host Script Frenzy events. We will help you sign up, give you help writing your script, and we'll help you submit your script.

This month long event will have special help from our theatre expert (a librarian with a passion for plays) and our script writing expert. Thats correct, one of the Freedom Librarians has a degree in film production with significant training in script writing. (Guess what- it's me!)

April First (no joke) from 3 pm - 4 (also pm) will be our first Script Meeting. We'll get you signed up, introduce you to script writing and set you on the path to fame and glory.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Looking Ahead with Freedom 3/23 - 3/28

"Da' Circle" 3 -5 pm
- This event is for high school aged girls only. This is a safe environment for young women to talk about what they have on their minds, or what their concerns are.

"Rise and Shine Story Time" starts at 10 am
- This is a regular weekly program that reads books to small children.

"Wii Got Game" 2:30- 4 pm
- Ms. Holly's famous game filled afternoon. We recently added more games to our Wii collection. It just gets better all the time.

"Get Culturally Fit" 6- 7:30 pm
- An event for adults looking to get into shape. Culturally Fit is a dance company that teaches African dance as a way to stay fit.

"Preschool Storytime" 10 am
- Little books for very little listeners.

**Don't forget** Freedom Film Series will return Wednesday 4/1!


"Movie!" 3-5 pm

"Think College" 9 am - 1 pm
- A Think College representative will be on hand in the library doing an open seminar. No need to make an appointment this time. For information, call 704-416-4232.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Possible new service, and possible old service

Here at FRL, we are constantly looking into ways to improve services and information.

Currently, we are looking into two things we can add to our services to improve events and programs.

The new idea we are looking to roll out is to offer computer classes by appointment. Currently, the Freedom Regional branch offers several computer basics classes. These classes are scheduled for two-hour blocks and currently require no registration. All you have to do is show up.

These classes are offered about once a month per subject. For instance, the Word Basics class is offered generally in the first week of each month. If enough demand is shown, we will begin allowing patrons to make appointments (with at least 48 hours notice) for 30 minute sessions. These sessions will be shorter, but also more focused, as there will be one student at a time.

Our second idea is to bring back the Freedom Flyer.

The Freedom Flyer was a brochure of an entire month's events. The idea of the Freedom Flyer is to have a single unified source for listing all events and programs for the upcoming month. The Flyer will make its return once we can get programs to a solid schedule with advance notice.

And speaking of advance notice, be sure to check out the Freedom Film Series blog, now will the movie schedule for April. All Mel Brooks. It promises to be a gooder than average time!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

How to Subscribe to our new books and DVD lists

Did you know that you can subscribe to our new DVDs and books? It's easy!

When you visit the website for Charlotte libraries,, there is a lot of information thrown at you. Sometimes, there is so much on that home page, it can be difficult for librarians to use. The good news is that once you see how the information is divided, you can find anything.

In the middle of the page, under the second tab (which is labeled "Programs & Events") you can view the library's RSS feeds.

This listing of RSS feeds is not everything. For instance, this blog and the teen blog are not listed there. However, what you will find are RSS feeds about library materials.

These feeds are not blogs, but rather a list that is generated when librarians check in new books.
When you visit that page, and look under Freedom Regional, you will see our lists for:
Upcoming Events
Latest Fiction
Latest Nonfiction
Latest DVDs
Latest Biographies

If you're like me, and you want to see all the new movies coming in, the 'Latest DVDs' is the best way to see whats on the shelf. All you have to do is click where it says 'Latest DVDs' and a list will display. At the top of the list, options to subscribe will appear. By subscribing, you will be informed about all the new DVDs coming into the library. It's that easy.

Special link - if you click on the title of this entry, it will open right to that RSS feeds page. Enjoy.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Looking Ahead with Freedom 3/16 - 3/21

"Bride and Prejudice" movie starts at 3 pm
- Part of our Cultural Exposure series, this film is an Indian take on Jane Austin's Pride and Prejudice. (Clicking the title takes you to the IMDB page.)

"Rise and Shine Story Time" starts at 10 am
- This is a regular weekly program that reads books to small children.

"Preschool Storytime" 10 am
- Little books for very little listeners.

"Unplugged" starts at 3 pm
- As previously raved about in this blog, Unplugged is an afternoon of gaming in a less technical way.

"Teen Finances" 3- 4 pm
- This short information sessions focuses on what high school students need to know about credit and bank accounts. Very informative.

"Movie!" starts 2- 3:30 pm

"Think College" 9 am - 1 pm
- A Think College representative will be on hand in the library doing an open seminar. No need to make an appointment this time. For information, call 704-416-4232.

Friday, March 13, 2009

you wish you were there!

In celebration of Teen Tech Week, this last Thursday, Freedom rocked it out with a karaoke machine. We are so cool.

That's your blogger, devinwithani, doing a back-bend while singing his heart out. For the record, I was crooning along to "The Middle," by Jimmy Eat World.


Wednesday, March 11, 2009

... about Tuesday

Uplugged will be moved to Wednesday of next week. Sorry for the change.

On the up side, we totally have new pictures on Facebook. Also, the weather is nice, so you know, something to think about.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

you should get "Unplugged"

One of the most popular after school programs we do is Wii Got Game. The library has a Wii, teens get together, play together and compete.

But sometimes, you need to simplify. Now Wii Got Game alternates weekly with "Unplugged."

Unplugged is a bi-weekly gaming program with games that do not need to be hooked up to a TV.

Last week, the Unplugged team threw down with a wicked game of Uno. That's right, UNO. You're not cool unless you play Uno.

Unplugged will be the program du jour again next Tuesday. Uno is not the only game in town. Who knows what mad capped fun we'll have next time.

And for those of you that need your Wii, don't worry. Wii Got Game will be played again on March 24th.

Find out more at the library's teen blog at;

Monday, March 09, 2009

Looking Ahead with Freedom 3/9 - 3/14

"Rise and Shine Story Time" starts at 10 am
- This is a regular weekly program that reads books to small children.


"Preschool Storytime" 10 am
- Little books for very little listeners.

"Internet Basics"3- 5 pm
- Learn the very basics of how to use the internet. We'll show you browsers, links and email.

"Gaming Thru the Ages" 3- 5 pm
- Dance, Dance Revolution and predicting the future or gaming.

"Social Networking for Parents " 6- 7 pm
- What is social networking? Different social networking and media sites will be discussed, and teen online safety sheets will be handed out.

"Teen Tech Movie" starts 3 pm
- Nick and Nora's Infinite Playlist. Check it out.

see more about teen tech week at

Saturday, March 07, 2009

The Library is on Facebook

Facebook Page

We have such a friendly library here. The whole library just wants to be friends with everybody. Facebook is making changes to their non-people pages. Soon, our profile will resemble more an individual's page.

Already, you can see that we are adding pictures to the page and sending out invites to events. Being our friend will keep you informed about whats going on at Freedom.

Wednesday, March 04, 2009

Teen Tech Week

Think the library is all about books? Think again. The library is also about blogs, podcasts, gaming, music and more. PLCMC joins thousands of other libraries and schools across the country who are celebrating this year’s theme, "Press Play @ Your Library®.” Come to one of the events listed here to tune into these technologies.

Check out the Teen Tech Week webpage at

Freedom Regional, as well as all the PLCMC libraries, will be hosting special Teen Tech fun programs. Not all of our programs are scheduled yet, but we are looking at special gaming events and karaoke.

Check back, as this blog will let you know all about the fun happening March 8 -14th.

Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Looking Ahead with Freedom 3/3- 3/7

Happy square-root day! (3-3-09) Wow, I'm a geek.

This week may be shorter, but that only makes it more packed with action.

"Rise and Shine Story Time" starts at 10 am
- This is a regular weekly program that reads books to small children.

"Unplugged" 2:30- 4 pm
- Board game time for teens in the library.


"Preschool Storytime" 10 am
- Little books for very little listeners.

"Computer Basics"3- 5 pm
- Learn the very basics of how to use a computer. From using a mouse to keyboard techniques, this class is for beginners.

"Freedom Film Series" will be taking a break in March. But don't worry, in April there will be a Mel Brooks theme.

"Bring Your Own Book" 3- 4 pm
- A book discussion group that you lead. Bring your own book, graphic novel, poems and talk about the books you want to.

"Friday Movie" starts 3 pm

The week of March 8- 14 will be Teen Tech Week. Check back for updates and information about this special week. Teen Tech Week is system wide- so there is always something going on.

Read more abut Teen Tech Week at:

Monday, March 02, 2009


I hope everyone is safe and warm inside. We sure got snowed on last night!

Freedom Regional will be closed all day today. Sorry kiddos.

For a more full list of closings in the Charlotte area, check out the WCNC closings page;