Monday "Reel Life, Real Teens" 3:30- 4:45 pm
- Take a realistic look at the wide variety of issues teens face today and a look of how teens are portrayed in film.
Tuesday"Author Visit: Carrie Ryan" 10:30- 11:45 am & 12:45- 2:00 pm
- Carrie Ryan speaks about writing, being an author and her book
The Forest of Hands and Teeth. Be sure to check the PLCMC events page for her visits to other branches this month!
"Community Fair" 6- 8pm
- A celebration of the community and info fest of library services, the school and local businesses.
Wednesday "Excel Basics" 2- 3:30
- A beginners' session in getting started using Microsoft Excel- the ubiquitous office spreadsheet software.
"After School is Cool" 3:30- 4
- Fun stories, finger-plays, and more for preschoolers.
Thursday "Gaming in the Library" 2:30- 4
- This week is Board Games week. We'll be putting you to the test to see who can out checkers who. (hint: it's not me)
"Teen Advisory Council" 4- 5
- TAC is a group of teens who have the desire to create opportunities for a better world for the youth who live our community.
Friday"Far Out Movie Night: Coraline" 3- 5
- To celebrate Teen Read Week 2009, we’ll be viewing the animated fantasy film Coraline. We’ll provide snacks! On your way out, check out a copy of Coraline by Neil Gaiman, Coraline: the Graphic Novel illustrated by P. Craig Russell, or a fantasy book of your choice!